Error Codes StarkErrorCode An enumeration. API_FUNCTION_TEMPORARILY_DISABLED=0 Api function temporarily disabled. BATCH_ABORTED=1 Batch was aborted. BATCH_CREATION_FAILURE=2 Batch creation failure; batch currently cannot be created. BATCH_FULL=3 Batch is full; there will be no additional attempt to insert any transactions. BATCH_NOT_READY=4 Batch not ready to be created; does not indicate an error. CONNECTION_ERROR=5 Connection error with the node (for example, Infura too many requests). DUPLICATE_ORDER=6 Duplicate order. EMPTY_TRANSACTIONS_LIST_IN_MULTI_TRANSACTION=7 Multi-Transaction with zero transactions. FACT_NOT_REGISTERED=8 Fact not registered in fact registry. INSUFFICIENT_ONCHAIN_BALANCE=9 Not enough onchain balance to complete deposit. INVALID_BATCH_ID=10 Invalid batch ID. INVALID_BATCH_MIGRATION_INFO=11 Batch migration information is invalid. INVALID_CLAIM_HASH=12 Invalid committee claim hash. INVALID_COMMITTEE_MEMBER=13 Invalid committee member key. INVALID_CONTRACT_ADDRESS=14 StarkEx contracts information missing or corrupt. INVALID_CONTRACT_RESPONSE=15 StarkEx contracts returns invalid response. INVALID_DEPLOYMENT_INFO=16 StarkEx deployment information missing or corrupt. INVALID_ETH_ADDRESS=17 Invalid eth address. INVALID_FACT=18 Fact is not 32 bytes length. INVALID_FEE_TAKEN=19 Fee taken is too high. INVALID_MULTI_ASSET_TRADE=20 Invalid multi asset trade. INVALID_MULTI_TRANSACTION=21 Invalid multi transaction. INVALID_ORDER_ID=22 Invalid order ID. INVALID_ORDER_TYPE=23 Invalid order type. INVALID_REQUEST=24 Invalid HTTP request. INVALID_REQUEST_PARAMETERS=25 Invalid HTTP request parameters. INVALID_SETTLEMENT_INFO=26 Settlement trade amounts mismatch. INVALID_SETTLEMENT_RATIO=27 Settlement trade ratio not satisfied. INVALID_SETTLEMENT_TOKENS=28 Mismatching tokens for orders in settlement. INVALID_SIGNATURE=29 Invalid order signature. INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE=30 Invalid token type. INVALID_TRANSACTION=31 Invalid transaction. INVALID_TRANSACTION_ID=32 Invalid transaction ID. INVALID_VAULT=33 Invalid vault. MALFORMED_REQUEST=34 Malformed request. MIGRATED_PIPELINE_OBJECT_MISSING=35 Pipeline object is missing because it was migrated from an older version object. MISSING_BLOCKCHAIN_ID=36 The chain ID does not exist in storage. MISSING_ENDPOINT_CONFIGURATION=37 The required endpoint configuration is not available in the DB. MISSING_FEE_OBJECT=38 One of the fee objects is missing while the other exists. NESTED_MULTI_TRANSACTION=39 Nested multi-transaction (multi-transaction inside multi-transaction) ORDER_OVERDUE=40 The order is expired. OUT_OF_RANGE_AMOUNT=41 Amount value is out of range. OUT_OF_RANGE_BALANCE=42 Vault balance is out of range. OUT_OF_RANGE_BATCH_ID=43 Batch ID value is out of range. OUT_OF_RANGE_ETH_ADDRESS=44 Ethereum address value is out of range. OUT_OF_RANGE_EXPIRATION_TIMESTAMP=45 Expiration timestamp value is out of range. OUT_OF_RANGE_FIELD_ELEMENT=46 Field element value is out of range. OUT_OF_RANGE_FORCED_TRADE_NONCE=47 Forced trade nonce value is out of range. OUT_OF_RANGE_NONCE=48 Nonce value is out of range. OUT_OF_RANGE_ORACLE_PRICE_QUORUM=49 Oracle price quorum value is out of range. OUT_OF_RANGE_ORDER_ID=50 Order ID value is out of range. OUT_OF_RANGE_POSITIVE_AMOUNT=51 Positive amount value is out of range. OUT_OF_RANGE_PUBLIC_KEY=52 Public key (Stark key) value is out of range. OUT_OF_RANGE_RISK_FACTOR_UPPER_BOUND=53 Risk factor segment upper bound is out of range. OUT_OF_RANGE_SIGNATURE_SUBFIELD=54 Signature subfield is out of range. OUT_OF_RANGE_SYSTEM_ID=55 System ID value is out of range. OUT_OF_RANGE_TOKEN_ID=56 Token ID value is out of range. OUT_OF_RANGE_VAULT_ID=57 Vault ID value is out of range. REPLACED_BEFORE=58 Alternative transaction requested before for this transaction. Transaction is now valid. REQUEST_FAILED=59 Failed response for alternative transaction request. SCHEMA_VALIDATION_ERROR=60 Object schema validation failed. TRANSACTION_CANCELLED=61 Transaction is manually cancelled. TRANSACTION_PENDING=62 Transaction received successfully by the gateway. Common Objects Overview