Gas usage for transactions in StarkEx
Mint, Settlement and Transfer transactions have very low gas usage, as they take place entirely offchain.
Other transaction types, while having offchain steps in their execution, also take place onchain. So while having minimal offchain gas usage commensurate with the values listed below, these usage values are not significant when compared with their onchain gas costs.
The gas usage values listed here per transaction type, for all transactions except Forced Withdrawal and Forced Trade, are estimates that assume fully optimized batches. These numbers give a very rough estimate of the actual gas usage per transaction. Real-world factors that can affect gas usage are not taken into account, so actual gas usage might vary. The gas usage values listed here for Forced Withdrawal and Forced Trade are based on an average of several random transactions within a three month period leading up to February 28, 2023, for each type listed. These transactions were identified using L2Beat Explorer. These values are not a guarantee of future usage. Actual gas usage might vary. |
Transaction type | Gas usage per transaction (Recursive proofs) |
StarkEx Spot or Perpetual |
Mint |
28 |
StarkEx Spot |
Settlement |
71 |
StarkEx Spot |
Trade |
426 |
StarkEx Perpetual |
Transfer |
36 |
Both |
Deposit |
10000 |
Both |
Withdrawal |
31000 |
Both |
Full Withdrawal |
40000 |
StarkEx Spot |
False Full Withdrawal |
20000 |
StarkEx Spot |
Conditional Transfer (fast withdrawal) |
6000 |
Both |
Forced Withdrawal |
86,185 |
StarkEx Perpetual |
Forced Trade |
104,189 |
StarkEx Perpetual |