Setting an endpoint to receive alternative transaction requests
When StarkEx identifies an invalid transaction, StarkEx marks the transaction as invalid and sends a request to the application’s endpoint for a list of alternative transactions.
You need to set this endpoint by providing the following information:
The endpoint URL that you use to monitor requests for alternative transactions.
A URL to receive information about failed alternative transactions. If an alternative transaction that you send StarkEx fails, StarkEx sends a description of the failure to this URL.
This URL can be the same as the endpoint URL.
Optionally, you can apply security measures using bearer tokens, or alternatively, for increased security, certificate-based communication.
A bearer token is a string of characters that you give to StarkEx. StarkEx uses this token for authentication when connecting to your endpoint. The token is encrypted, and can have an expiration date.
Certificate-based communication requires a client certificate that you send to StarkEx, together with a private key and a public server certificate that you obtain from a certificate authority and place on your server.
When sending a request for an alternative transaction, StarkEx proves authenticity by providing the client certificate. The server certificate proves the authenticity of your server to StarkEx.
Dynamic vs static configuration
A dynamic configuration enables you to change the configuration, such as replacing the bearer-token periodically in order to increase security.
A static configuration is one that is not expected to change.
When deciding which option is best for you, you can consult with the StarkEx team.
A web server dedicated to listening for requests for alternative transactions.
To configure the endpoint yourself, you must have a dynamic configuration setup.
Either send the required information to the StarkEx support team, or configure the endpoint yourself.
Sending the required information to the StarkEx support team
The endpoint URL that you use to monitor requests for alternative transactions.
A URL to receive information about failed alternative transactions. This URL can be the same as the endpoint URL.
A security mechanism (Optional):
A bearer token
A client certificate with a private key. In this case, you must obtain a public server certificate and place it on your server.
Configuring the endpoint yourself by using the gateway API
Use the StarkEx gateway API method set_alternative_endpoint_config
. For more information on how to use this method, including syntax and parameters, see one of the following:
for StarkEx Perpetual Trading -
for StarkEx Spot Trading
After you send the request, StarkEx returns a message stating if the configuration request is accepted or rejected.